Oct 27, 2023

If there’s one thing most of us can agree on, it’s the love we have for our trusty Fords. Whether it’s the rugged F-150, the classic Mustang, or the family-friendly Escape, we rely on these beauties to get us from A to B and everywhere in between. And, just like how we need our morning coffee to start the day, our beloved cars need regular oil changes at the Ford dealer to keep running smoothly.

Ford technician pouring new oil into a Ford vehicle after after an oil change.
Image obtained from Shutterstock

How Often is “Regularly?”

Back in the day, the golden rule was every 3 months or 3,000 miles, whichever came first. However, with advancements in engine design and improvements in oil, the timeline has shifted quite a bit. For many modern Fords, you can avoid changing the oil for 5,000 to 7,500 miles. The time between changes can vary based on your driving habits, so it’s always best to check your owner’s manual for guidelines.

The Low-Down on Skipping Services at the Ford Dealer

Life gets busy, and sometimes we fall behind, but skimping on changing oil isn’t something we want to play around with. Old, dirty oil becomes thick and sludgy. This gunky mess makes it hard for the oil to lubricate the engine components. Clean oil also releases heat more effectively. Without regularly changing your oil, your engine could get too hot too often, potentially leading to engine damage.

A well-lubricated engine is also happy and efficient. If neglected, you might find you have to visit the gas station more often, causing you pain in your wallet. Speaking of extra costs, skipping the oil can increase wear and tear on your engine, meaning it may need repair or replacement sooner than it should.

Wait, Do I Need an Oil Change NOW?

If you find you can’t remember exactly how long ago your last service was, there are some signs that you should be watching for.

Loud Engine Noises

If you hear your engine working overtime, making louder than usual knocking, rumbling, or roaring sounds, it could be crying out for fresh oil.

Oil or Check Engine Light

This one’s a no-brainer. If either of these lights comes on, it’s time to schedule an appointment.

Dark and Dirty Oil

Clean oil is amber-colored and fairly clear. Use the dipstick to check the color. If it’s dark and you can’t see the stick through it, it’s time for a change.

Oil Smell Inside the Car

A strong oil odor, especially paired with the smell of gas or exhaust, can mean an oil leak, which might be causing the oil to burn in the exhaust area.

Changing your oil may seem like a small issue in the grander scheme of things, but it can make all the difference in the world for your car’s health. After all, a little maintenance now can save you a ton of headaches and unexpected bills later. Call North County Ford and schedule a service today to keep your car feeling fabulous and running like a champ.